Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm Back Bitches! Here's a New Poem.

Eternal You, Eternal Me

Underneath the Moon,
Sliced cheese.
Undress and share
Your secrets, please.
I wonder if I spoke
Too soon? Eternal me,
Eternal moon?

I've always loved you,
Orb of Doom.
Inhaled the breath
Of craters deep.
So I insist
You speak to me --
Your secrets, please
Eternal Moon.

Eternal You,
Much more than math.
Much more than dust which
turned to rock.
You make me feel like
Mr. Spock.
And maybe like
Keanu Reeves.

Eternal Me,
Infernal glee.
Beholding luminosity.
I might have to
come up there,
Soon. Eternal me,
Eternal Moon.